ID Solution Modified
S20802 How is the OPC_TDA_RA_END_RX pipeline stage attribute computed ? 2013-08-20
S20797 Why don't the receiver and transmitter module statistics appear under the Node Statistics item when choosing statistics for a simulation run? 2013-08-20
S20770 When I compile my ETS code, I get an error like 'Cannot include file: ets_api_nt_cback.h'. How can I fix this? 2013-08-20
S20768 What should I do if I see fatal: open failed: No such file or directory when running discrete event simulation? 2013-08-20
S20764 How can I control the number of sample points used in calculation by TMM for path loss graphs and in discrete event simulation? 2013-08-20
S20742 How can I obtain the duration of a simulation programmatically? 2013-08-20
S20730 How do I interface an application layer to UDP? 2013-08-20
S20729 What projection does Opnet use when it displays a GeoTiff map and DTED/DEM data? I have noticed a discrepancy of as much as 500m when I load in a Geotiff map. I have tried using maps in the LAT/LON and UTM projections at a scale of1:100,000, in both the NAD27 and WGS84 datums. The discrepancy occurs in both maps. 2013-08-20
S20716 What is the meaning of User Cancelled Connections statistic for HTTP? 2013-08-20
S20712 What is the default MTU value used in OPNET? Where I can find that value? 2013-08-20
S20680 How does RED work? 2013-08-20
S20669 How do I use the standard IP models to simulate a Wireless IP scenario ? 2013-08-20
S20647 Can I call fopen () in my process models? Why do I get an abort when I try to use fopen, fprintf, etc.? 2013-08-20
S20643 How can I combine 2 output scalar files? 2013-08-20
S20638 How can I view animation as my simulation runs in OPNET? 2013-08-20
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