ID Solution Modified
S20601 Is OPNET Y2K (year 2000) compliant? 2013-08-20
S20666 Is it possible for me to change the start time of a probe for data collection ? 2013-08-20
S20686 How is antenna gain determined from the pattern table? 2013-08-20
S20777 I have two radio nodes, but no throughput is received. How can changing the altitude attribute help? 2013-08-20
S20768 What should I do if I see fatal: open failed: No such file or directory when running discrete event simulation? 2013-08-20
S20600 How do I link my simulation against external libraries on UNIX? 2013-08-20
S20680 How does RED work? 2013-08-20
S20780 How can I collect the same statistic in different (multiple) collection modes in the same simulation run? 2013-08-20
S20798 How do I model a directional radio antenna? 2013-08-20
S20699 When using CQ (Custom Queuing), say a byte count of 2000 has been set, and 1999 bytes have been sent this time through, will the next packet be sent regardless of its size, even though there is only 1 byte left in the count? 2013-08-20
S20602 My simulation aborts with the error message: List position (x) is out-of-range. What does the error message mean? 2013-08-20
S20812 In my wireless simulation, my BER (bit error rate) statistics when I use the dra_error pipeline stage are different in 9.1 as against later releases. Why is this so, and which value is correct? 2013-08-20
S20733 When are output vector files created? Can I view my results while the simulation is only halfway through? 2013-08-20
S20820 I am writing customized process model to work with OPNET application model. My process model uses OPNET connection APIs. But when I run the simulation, I found the traffic doesn't go through, and I get all these TCP error messages in the DES log saying SYN received for invalid connection plus a phase error message saying Unable to continue execution of phase <foo> due to closing of connection <bar>. Also, the TCP Connection stats shows that there are weird port numbers like 0 and 885763223, plus Unknown connection sources. 2013-08-20
S20627 How do I use PURIFY with OPNET to debug memory problems on UNIX? 2013-08-20
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