NetProfiler: Disable the "Preferred Interfaces" and enable "Interface Precompute"

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The interface precomputation feature was introduced in v10.23, and this feature allows for the use of up to 10% of each Base and Expansion module in the cluster.

NOTE: In v10.24.2, the Interface precomputation storage can be expanded up to 25%.  


Disable the "Preferred Interfaces" and enable "Interface Precompute"

In NetProfiler GUI, Navigate to Administration -> Flow Log and choose Reallocate:

Disable the "Preferred Interfaces" by setting the allocation to '0%'.
Enable the "Interface Pre-compute" service by assigning the required disk space and clicking Apply.

Note: Recommendation to allocate 25% to "Interface Precompute" and reduce 1min Flow log resolution to increase "Interface Precomputation" allocation.

As part of this task, mazu-reconfig-log will prune all the 'Preferred Interface' data. Therefore, the estimated completion time for this activity will vary depending on the data size that needs to be pruned.

If you have any questions about enabling Interface Pre-computation, please feel free to contact Riverbed support.

v10.23 and above
Interface Precompute
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