Incorrect percentage Memory Usage being reported in AppInternals Analysis server Memory Card for RHEL 7.x agents

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We are running AppInternals agent on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x and the percentage Memory Usage metric is being reported incorrectly in the webUI when we compare it to what the system is actually using.

What is causing this issue and how to fix it?
The OS Sub-agent running on Linux systems currently calculates the percentage Memory Usage metric using the formula as below

%Mem Usage  =         MemTotal - MemFree
                -------------------------------     * 100

The above metrics are picked by the sub-agent from /proc/meminfo

However on newer systems like RHEL 7.x we can find a new metric called MemAvailable which should be used in calculating the %Memory Usage. This is currently not being done in the code which might result in incorrect Memory Usage values when compared to value which you might obtain from the server itself (free -h).

This is a known issue and is being worked on by R&D, to make use of the new metric when available.

For more detail on MemAvailable metric please take a look at the below link
AppInternals agent, RHEL kernel 3.14 and later
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