JIDA - WARN , Unable to determine the JMS destination for: xxxx.xxxx.xxxx

Solution Number:
Last Modified:
JIDA log is flooded with the following messages and log file is not rolling over.
10/13/2016 09:19:54 AM, JIDA , -1256384768 , WARN , Unable to determine the JMS destination for: xxxxxxx (0) 
10/13/2016 09:19:54 AM, JIDA , -1256384768 , WARN , Unable to determine the JMS destination for: xxxxxxx (0) 
10/13/2016 09:19:54 AM, JIDA , -1256384768 , WARN , Unable to determine the JMS destination for: xxxxxxx (0) 
10/13/2016 09:19:54 AM, JIDA , -448518400 , WARN , Unable to determine the JMS destination for: xxxxxxx (0) 
This issue has been resolved in AppInternals Agent version 10.4 and above, please upgrade and try again.

  1. Log into analysis servier and disable Java Message Service (JMS) Data to Report in the respective application configuration
  2. Restart the application

AppInternals (SCAI) aka AppInternals Xpert (AIX) Managed Node (MN) aka Dynamic Sampling Agent (DSA) Java Instrumentation Data Adapter (JIDA)
NOTICE: Riverbed® product names have changed. Please refer to the Product List for a complete list of product names.
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