How to deal with NetIM OVA deployment errors ?

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When deploying the NetIM OVA you run into the following error.
Failed to start File System Check on /dev/mapper/vg01-data1
This error usually occurs when the  /dev/mapper/vg01-data1 is detected to have corruption issues and fails the file system check when mounted on the /data1 directory.
This can be verified by running the lsblk command.

As you can see the the vg01-data1 drive is not mapped to any folder. Ideally it should be /data1. 
To rectify this follow the steps below.
  • sudo umount -f /dev/mapper/vg01-data1 /data1 Unmount the file system from the mount point /data1.
  • sudo fsck -y /dev/mapper/vg01-data1        - Running FSCK will attempt to rectify the drive issues by running a file system check on it.
  • sudo mount /dev/mapper/vg01-data1 /data1   - Once that is done, we need to mount it once again on the /data mount point.
  • sudo reboot
Running lsblk should show /data1 as the mount point for vg01-data1
SteelCentral NetIM 2.x
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