Can we install vmware tools on SteelCentral AppInternals 10.x Analysis Server?

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We have SteelCentral AppInternals 10.x Analysis Server and we want to install vmware tools on the machine. How can we accomplish this?
Starting SteelCentral AppInternals 10.12 we have an in built command to install vmware tools.

NOTE: !! Prior to 10.12 version there is no option to do this. Even with 10.12 this might not work all the time because of dependencies (Check the bug attached to the article below). The below commands will reboot the Analysis Server !!

Steps to install vmware tools
  1. Log into Analysis server using SSH session
  2. Execute the following commands

    >configure terminal
    >show vmware-tools

    The command should show not installed as screenshot above


  3. Mention the ESXi version you are on.
    Once you confirm the install using 'Y', the install will start and might take upto 10 minutes for the install to finish

  4. The system will be rebooted at the end of the install
  5. Once the system is back online use the below command to check the version of vmware tools installed

    >show vmware-tools

**Please open a technical support case if you have any questions or run into any issues

SteelCentral AppInternals Analysis server 10.x
NOTICE: Riverbed® product names have changed. Please refer to the Product List for a complete list of product names.
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