How can we upgrade SteelCentral AppInternals Analysis server to a specific version when we do not have webUI access?

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We are running into issues where we do not have access to Analysis server webUI but we are able to access the Analysis server via ssh. How can we upgrade the Analysis server version from ssh session?


At times Analysis server runs into issues loading the web user interface and the fix or troubleshooting step might be to upgrade the Analysis server only using ssh session.

The upgrade can be accomplished using ssh to Analysis server as long as the system is connected to internet. This involves 2 steps

  • Downloading the upgrade binaries for version which support/R&D might have mentioned
  • Upgrading the Analysis server to the downloaded version

 Downloading the upgrade binaries from Analysis server using ssh:

  1. Open an ssh session to Analysis server
  2. Log in as admin
  3. Execute the below commands

    >configure terminal
    >upgrade download version

<version#> is something which you should know or support/R&D should provide the # to you.

In the below example version 10.3.145 is being downloaded

At far end of the above screenshot you will see the percentage of file that has been already downloaded.


Upgrading the Analysis server to the downloaded version

  1. Once the download has completed you will be back to config mode in the session
  2. Make sure you see the downloaded version is available for upgrade

    >show upgrade packages

  3. Once you confirm the download is available and marked as upgradeable you can start the upgrade.
  4. Run the below command in config mode

    >upgrade install version 10.3.145

  5. The upgrade will run for sometime during which time Analysis server will be unavailable. If the upgrade is successful  you will see messages like below towards the end

    You should be able to access Analysis server at this time and log in to check the version on top right hand corner of the UI to see if the Analysis server has been upgrade to version which you have used.


*If you run into any issues please open technical support case


NOTICE: Riverbed® product names have changed. Please refer to the Product List for a complete list of product names.
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