How to setup SNMP Version 3 on a SteelHead and poll the Riverbed Enterprise MIBs

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1. Download the RBT-MIB.txt and STEELHEAD-MIB.txt files from the target SteelHead.  These are available from the web UI under Help > MIB Files.  You'll also need the SNMPv2-SMI and SNMPv2-TC parent MIBs to display the output properly but most systems already have these.
2. Create a User under SteelHead Management Console: ADMINISTRATION > System Settings > SNMP v3. The settings for this user are dependant on the SNMP client used.
3. Create a SNMP Group under ADMINISTRATION > System Settings > SNMP ACLs. The group should have a Security model of usm and should have the users created in the previous step assigned.
4. Create a SNMP View which covers the OIDs visible by this view. This can be created on two ways:
5. Include everything and exclude only the specified OIDs ( allows everything)
6. Exclude everything and include only the specified OIDs
7. You must enter an include/exclude value, a blank will not allow you to retrieve any data
8. Finally, create an access policy and select the SNMP Group created in the second step and the associated SNMP View created in the previous step. The security level defines the level of authentication:

• Authentication is mandatory, Privacy is optional (auth, authPriv,  keep track of how you setup your user)
• No authentication (noauth) is allowed

9. From a linux prompt enter your command. Example below shows an auth of MD5 and a Privacy of  DES

snmpwalk -v 3 -m +/nfs/cduncan/RBT-MIB.txt:/nfs/cduncan/STEELHEAD-EX-MIB.txt -u testtest -a MD5 -A testtest -x DES -X testtest -l authPriv  STEELHEAD-EX-MIB::model.0

Following exampe of auth set to MD5 with no Privacy option set:

snmpwalk -v 3 -m +/nfs/cduncan/RBT-MIB.txt:/nfs/cduncan/STEELHEAD-EX-MIB.txt -u testprivacy -a MD5 -A testtest  -l authNoPriv STEELHEAD-EX-MIB::model.0

NOTE: Dropping off the STEELHEAD-EX-MIB:model.0 will walk through all the MIB's listed. For debugging purposes you can add -Dusm after snmpwalk (i.e. snmpwalk -Dusm -m .....)

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