Can the Transaction Trace Warehouse Web user interface port be changed post installation?

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We have installed Transaction Trace Warehouse (TTW) using default ports and now we want to change the Web interface port post installation. Can this be done?


The answer to the question can we change the TTW web interface port post installation is, Yes.

This can be done. Below are the steps which can be done for TTW 3.0

  1. Log in to TTW server.
  2. Navigate to below location.

    <install_dir>\OPNET\AppInternals Xpert Transaction Trace Warehouse\TomEE\conf
  3. Edit the file named
  4. Change the http and https ports to the desired values.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Restart TTW services.

During the upgrades going forward from TTW 3.0 make sure you enter the new port values when prompted


SteeCentral AppInternals Xpert, Transaction Trace Warehouse 3.0, Windows

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