What is the meaning of User Cancelled Connections statistic for HTTP?

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What is the meaning of User Cancelled Connections statistic for HTTP?


This statistic is written every time when the download of an HTML page is interrupted, because request for another page was issued by a user. This represents a real life situation when a web page is taking too long to download and the user either clicks Stop button on the browser or moves to another page. In this case, the original slow page is considered to be cancelled. In simulation, there exist two factors that will influence the rate at which pages are cancelled: number of objects per page and page interarrival time. In order to avoid cancellation of the pages, page response time must be less than page interarrival time. Thus, decreasing size, number of the inline objects, or increasing page interarrival time will avoid cancellation of HTML pages.Note: for cancelled pages, Page Response Time statistic is not written, however, Object Response Time is written up to a point when the page get's cancelled.


Application Modeling->Standard Applications

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