How does attribute promotion work?

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How does attribute promotion work?


The simple answer is that promoted means that you are deferring the setting of an attribute to the next layer. The complexity is in what the next layer is. So here are the rules:1. Node Editor, Module Attributes and Node Interfaces: This means the attribute will be set in the project editor.2. Project Editor: This means the attribute will be set by the parent subnet, unless the subnet is top. The attribute only gets promoted to the subnet if an attribute of the subnet called attribute promotion is enabled BEFORE promoting the attributes inside of it. This subnet attribute is only visible when choosing Edit Advanced Attributes. 3. Top subnet: This means the attribute will be set by the simulation using the default values or the user will be prompted for a value during simulation (See FAQ 467)If an attribute is promoted somewhere, it is promoted all the way to simulation by default, unless I manually change it at one of the above layers. Now for the example.Let's consider the following topology:Subnet A: Station 1Subnet B: Station 2Subnet C Station 3Therefore there are three subnets and three stations. Assume all the stations are the same model and you promote an attribute called ATTR at all nodes. This means that ATTR attribute for Station 3 shows up in the attribute listing for Station 3, Subnet C and Subnet A based on the hierarchy shown above. You can set the value at any of these points. So all in all the attributes for Subnet A will look like:name: Subnet AStation 1.ATTR: promotedSubnet B.Station 2.ATTR: promotedSubnet C.Station 3.ATTR: promotedOne common mistake is to not enable the attribute promotion subnet attribute before promoting the node attributes. Failing to do this will promote the attribute not to the subnet but to the simulation where it will use the default value.


DES Kernel->Other

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