How do I get the segment queuing times and the packet queuing times when using the Segmentation and Reassembly package (SAR)?

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How do I get the segment queuing times and the packet queuing times when using the Segmentation and Reassembly package (SAR)?


There are two ways to do this:1) Place the packet that you are interested in into the SAR buffer, then immediately remove all segments from the buffer, placing them in a second queue. Since each segment is a packet when removed from the SAR buffer, the queuing times for the segments will be available as a packet queuing time. You should probably promote this statistic under a different name then packet queuing delay. When you wish to transmit a segment, remove the segment from the queue. NOTE: putting the packet in the SAR buffer removing all of the segments and placing them into the second queue should all be done at the same event. In order to get the queuing time of the packet, you should keep a list of the numbers of segments produced by each packet. Keep track of the number of segments transmitted. When you have transmitted the number of segments up to and including the last segment of your packet, the segment queuing time for the last segment is the packet queuing time. 2) Place the packet in the SAR buffer. Keep a list of double values containing the entry time to the SAR buffer and the number of bits in the packet. When a segment is removed, its creation time minus the first entry time in the list is the segments queuing time. Get the number of bits in the packet, keep a sum of numbers of bits. when your variable containing the sum of bits removed from the buffer is equal to the first number of bits in the list, the last segment queuing time is the packet queuing time. you can then reset to zero the counter that tracks the total number of bits in the transmitter segments.The difference between the two methods is that with the second method, you will have to do all of the statistic reporting by hand from scratch. With the first method, you get the segment queuing time for free from the second queue.


DES Kernel->Process Modeling/Coding,DES Kernel->Statistics and Reports

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