How can I get ATM to communicate over a wireless interface?

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How can I get ATM to communicate over a wireless interface?


The following would be a technique to make an ATM device communicate through a wireless interface (1) Create a convertor mode that that translates from point-to-point to radio. It contains pt_pt transceiver on one side and a radio transceiver pair on the other side. The architecture of the node model would be like this: pt_pt_tx -----------------------------------------> ra_tx pt_pt_rx <--------------------------------------- ra_rx(2) Attach the point_to_point interfaces of the ATM node to the pt_pt transceiver of the convertor node. This way you do not have to change the individual devices everytime you want to change a specific interface to operate over radio channels.


Protocols->Configuration,Protocols->ATM,DES Kernel->Process Modeling/Coding

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