How do I use OPNET Debugger for debugging wireless models?

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How do I use OPNET Debugger for debugging wireless models?


This FAQ will attempt to provide pointers on how to use the OPNET Debugger (ODB) to trace the progress your packets through radio pipeline stages. The different pipeline stages involved with radio transmission/reception and the order in which they are called in described in the Online Documentation, General Models Chapter, Section Radio Pipeline Stages. ODB is documented in the External Interfaces, Chapter Simulation Execution, section Using OPNET Debugger.Once a packet enters a radio transmitter, there are certain computations that are done to find out if the possible nodes that can receive the packet. The first check is called the closure pipeline stage, where the tool attempts to find out all the receivers that are in Line of Sight from the transmitter. If there are no such receivers the packet is destroyed. Find below a example of a trace where closure could not be achieved. * Time : 2 sec, [00d 00h 00m 02s . 000ms 000us 000ns 000ps] * Event : execution ID (3), schedule ID (#5), type (stream intrpt) * Source : execution ID (1), top.node_0.g_1 (ideal generator) * Data : instrm (1), packet ID (1) > Module : top.node_0.rt_0 (radio transmitter)breakpoint trapped : stop at event in module (top.node_0.rt_0)odb> fullodb> n * Kernel Action: Radio Transmitter object Beginning transmission of packet(s) channel (1) packet ID (1) * Kernel Action: Radio pipeline Calling (txdel) pipeline stage packet ID (1) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_DRATE) TDA value (64,000 bps) * op_pk_total_size_get (pkptr) packet ID (1) total size (1024) * op_td_set_dbl (pkptr, tda_index, value) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_DELAY) TDA value (0.016 sec.) * Kernel Action: Radio pipeline Calling (closure) pipeline stage packet ID (1) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_GEO_X) --------------- X position (transmitter) TDA value (-6064287.98404093 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_GEO_Y) ------------- Y position (transmitter) TDA value (-1877210.89604212 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_GEO_Z) --------------- Z Position (transmitter) TDA value (-712063.549409413 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_RX_GEO_X) --------------- X position (receiver) TDA value (-6342621.01936297 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_RX_GEO_Y) ------------- Y position (receiver) TDA value (-265834.735009287 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_RX_GEO_Z) --------------- Z Position (receiver) TDA value (-712063.549409413 m) * op_td_set_int (pkptr, tda_index, value) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_CLOSURE) -- PLEASE NOT THAT THE PACKET FAILED CLOSURE. TDA value (0) (formula for computation is documented in General Models -> Radio Pipeline stages, dra_closure) * Kernel Action: Destroying Packet packet ID (1) Increasing the altitude of the transmitters and receivers helps to get them into each other's line of sight. If the transmitter and a receiver was found to be in Line of Sight then the next pipeline stage (channel match) is called to see if the transmitter and receiver have the same set of Frequency and modulation parameters. In this case the trace would advance further and the result of the closure stage would be 1. After increasing the altitude of the transmitter and receiver. The following trace was obtained. ____________________________ (ODB 5.1.D: Event) ___________________ * Time : 2 sec, [00d 00h 00m 02s . 000ms 000us 000ns 000ps] * Event : execution ID (3), schedule ID (#5), type (stream in * Source : execution ID (1), top.node_0.g_1 (ideal generator) * Data : instrm (1), packet ID (1) > Module : top.node_0.rt_0 (radio transmitter)breakpoint trapped : stop at event in module (top.node_0.rt_0)odb> fullodb> n value (#4) * Kernel Action: Radio Transmitter object Beginning transmission of packet(s) channel (1) packet ID (1) * Kernel Action: Radio pipeline Calling (txdel) pipeline stage packet ID (1) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_DRATE) TDA value (64,000 bps) * op_pk_total_size_get (pkptr) packet ID (1) total size (1024) * op_td_set_dbl (pkptr, tda_index, value) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_DELAY) TDA value (0.016 sec.) * Kernel Action: Radio pipeline Calling (closure) pipeline stage packet ID (1) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_GEO_X) TDA value (-6149727.23240719 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_GEO_Y) TDA value (-1903658.76402017 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_TX_GEO_Z) TDA value (-722095.75345557 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_RX_GEO_X) TDA value (-6431981.67868399 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_RX_GEO_Y) TDA value (-269580.05845181 m) * op_td_get_dbl (pkptr, tda_index) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_RX_GEO_Z) TDA value (-722095.75345557 m) * op_td_set_int (pkptr, tda_index, value) packet ID (1) TDA attribute (OPC_TDA_RA_CLOSURE) -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLOSURE WAS SUCCESSFUL, AND CHANNEL MATCH IS CALLED TDA value (1) * Kernel Action: Radio pipeline Ca


Protocols->Wireless LAN,DES Kernel->OPNET Debugger

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