How do I record the number of packets destroyed by the receiver?

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How do I record the number of packets destroyed by the receiver?


You need to modify the ecc pipeline stage that you are using to count and record this number as a statisticIn a custom process model declare the statistic and register it as you normally would. Then the ecc pipeline stage needs to be able to get access to the Stathandle; the easiest thing to do is make the stathandle a global. A better alternative is to place the stathandle in a state variable of the process model, use the topo package of kernel procedure to get the Objid of module in which the process model resides, and then use op_ima_obj_svar_get () to retrieve the value. You can then use the stathandle to make calls to op_stat_write () in the pipeline stage.


DES Kernel->Process Modeling/Coding

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