Error message: Unable to register stat (<stat_name>)

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Error message: Unable to register stat (<stat_name>)


The syntax of registering a statistics is, Stat_handle = op_stat_reg (stat_name, stat_index, type);For more information about op_stat_reg(), see the Simulation Kernel manual. The stat_name is structured in the format of Group Name.Stat Name.This error could be caused by one of the following:1. The group name or the statistic name in <stat_name> structure does not match the name of the statistic entered in the edit global statistics or edit local statistics dialog box in the Process Editor. Be sure that the group name and statistic name of <stat_name> structure used in calling op_stat_reg () match exactly the name defined in the dialog box. Note that capitalization and spaces does matters.2. The stat_index that you specify in the call is not valid. For non-dimensioned statistics, the stat_index should be OPC_STAT_INDEX_NONE. For dimensioned statistics, the stat_index should be greater than or equal to 0, and less than the count as specified in the edit global statistics or edit local statistics dialog box.3. The stat type that you specify is incorrect. For global statistics, the type should be OPC_STAT_GLOBAL. For local statistics, the type should be OPC_STAT_LOCAL.4. The system has insufficient memory. To check against this, place a call to the KP op_prg_mem_alloc() directly after your call to op_stat_reg (). If prg_mem_alloc () fails, then the problem is due to insufficient memory. Otherwise the error is being caused by a mismatched statistic name.For more information about edit local/global statistics, see the Online documentation->Editor Reference->Process Editor->Interface Menu Operations manual.


DES Kernel->Error Messages/Logs

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